Steve Hardy Evangelistic Association
Touching The World With The Gospel
Evangelist Steve Hardy
Personal Background
- Native Of Cadiz, Kentucky, Born June 12, 1961, Save at age 12.
- Accepted
God's Call to Preach at Age 16
- Pastored First Church at Age 17.
- Married to Debra at Age 27.
- Past President Conference of Kentucky Baptist Vocational Evangelists (1994-1996).
- Received Doctor of Biblical Studies at the Friendship School of Bible,
Greenville, KY.
- Taught Minor Prophets and Book of Proverbs at Friendship
School of Bible, Greenville, KY.
Personal Beliefs and Convictions
- I believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.
- I
believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
- I believe Jesus Christ is the
only sacrifice for sin and the only way of salvation.
- I believe in the
eternal security of the believer.
- I believe hell is a place of separation
from God for eternity and a place of fiery torment for the soul that does not
accept Jesus Christ.
Message Archives
Vocational Evangelists
P.O. Box 1070 -- Cadiz, Kentucky 42211-1070 -- Phone (270)522-7945